
Education artical wise 1

:::- Are You An Education Activist? What Is An Education Activist? -:::
What does education activist mean? You want to use the schools to socially-engineer kids and transform society? Or you want to make schools as intelligent as possible so that kids will learn a lot?

:::- Mathematical Modeling for Kids -:::
Mathematical Modeling has been lately realized as most important tool for handling complex issues related to any physical or biological system. Its strongly preferred to have our students thinking on these lines, from the beginning stage itself. We just need to focus on some, unconventional methods that spark the ideas of modeling in kids.

:::- First and Foremost, Teach Facts -:::
Foundational knowledge is essential for the academic progress of any student. Bad schools say, "They can look it up," as an all-purpose excuse for teaching nothing. (Author has created several tests consisting of very easy questions to dramatize how little some people know.)

:::- Are you worried about medicating your child with ADD or ADHD? -:::
Many of the students I work with have ADD or ADHD (often referred to simply as ADHD), and I often hear from parents that they are concerned about making the decision to give their child medication. A parent recently asked me for my opinion of medicating kids with ADD and ADHD.

Children with ADHD are suffering; some suffer quite a lot. One way of looking at ADHD is that it is difficulty with managing the multiple aspects of “paying attention.” Attention is not a simple, easily defined matter of focusing on one thing. Attention is the management or orchestration of the information being received by the senses, interpreting this information, and responding to this information.

:::- The Most Essential Factor in Parenting Students with ADD and ADHD? -:::
Some people would answer something such as “the ability to stay calm,” or “providing the right kind of structure,” or “keeping yourself healthy and well-rested.”
Although these are crucial for long-term success in raising a child with ADD or ADHD, the most essential parenting trait is trust. 

:::- Reading comprehension strategies that work: Anchoring visualizations -:::
Some kids have trouble with reading comprehension. There can be many reasons they have difficulty, but one of the main causes of reading comprehension problems is that students do not create vivid images as they read.

In my educational therapy practice, I often listen to students read. Some students have difficulty with word recognition, but many do not. When your child has little or no difficulty sounding out the words in the passage, but still has comprehension difficulty, the problem may be that he or she is not skillful with visual imagery. And even if your child does have trouble sounding out words, he may still have difficulty with comprehension as well.

:::- Teachers' Victory in Baltimore, Sort of -:::
The Baltimore Teachers' Union contract was overwhelmingly defeated by its members. If there's to be any change before a re-vote on October 28, 2010, it needs to be a radical overhaul and not simple clarification of existing provisions.

:::- Alternative Teaching Techniques for Low Achieving Students: Repeated Reading Exercises for the Student with Limited Reading Fluency -:::
Low reading fluency is one of the most common problems in low achieving students. A student in fourth grade should be able to read 120-to-150 words per minute to be considered a fluent reader. A repeated reading of passages and sentences is an effective method to help children with weak reading fluency.

:::- When Children do not get it: Helping Low Archieving  Students Understand Concepts -:::
Understanding abstract concepts is a source of frustration and difficulty for students who struggle in the classroom. With low achieving students, teachers need to use a high support approach that aims at helping these students comprehend and interpret what they hear, see, and read in the classroom.

:::- Alternative Teaching Techniques for Low Achieving Students: Helping the Struggling Speller -:::
A problem in visual-auditory integration often leads to poor spelling ability. Traditional spelling activities and remediation rarely help struggling spellers. Children become spellers that are more efficient when they understand that there is a variety of approaches to spell different kinds of words.

:::- What Are Your Favorite Ideas For Improving Public Schools??? -:::
Political changes may lead to education changes. People ought to discuss what new directions they'd like to see. Education is much too important to leave to the so-called experts.